The Women's Health Resource. On the web since 1997.

University of South Florida Digital Database for Screening Mammography

The University of South Florida Digital Database for Screening Mammography (DDSM) project is a collaborative effort involving the Massachusetts General Hospital (D. Kopans, R. Moore), the University of South Florida (K. Bowyer), and Sandia National Laboratories (P. Kegelmeyer). Additional cases were provided by Washington University School of Medicine (Peter E. Shile, MD) and additional collaborating institutions include Wake Forest University School of Medicine and Sacred Heart Hospital. The primary purpose of the database is to facilitate research in the development of computer algorithms to aid in screening mammography and the development of teaching or training aids. The DDSM database contains approximately 2,500 studies. Each study includes two images of each breast, along with some associated patient information (age, ACR breast density rating, ACR keyword description of abnormalities) and image information (scanner, spatial resolution, etc.).

Update: November 20, 2007